We all know
who Jenny McCarthy is, don’t we? She went from 1993 Playboy
Playmate to MTV Game Show
chick to sitcom actress to BASEketball.
It was all
downhill from there.
Yes, I know
she “wrote” a couple o’ “books”.
I still stand by BASEketball as the pinnacle of her achievements.
analyze the reasons for Jenny’s success. She’s not terribly talented. She’s not
terribly funny. She’s not terribly intelligent. In fact, she’s often just
terribly terrible.
But, I will
grant you, she is terribly attractive.
At least,
she was.
You see,
Jenny has this persona in which she is this hot-chick-who’s-also-disgusting-like-a-dude.
persona is a caricature and her career has always suffered because of it.
When your
only talent is being attractive to males, you have to covet that gift. We are
fickle. Unless you’re Renee
Russo, you can’t be beautiful forever. Jenny should guard her hotness as something
fleeting and sacred.
She doesn’t.
Instead she
tarnishes her image by being freakin’ repulsive.
It’s true;
we guys *do* like to hang around women who are like us. But that means
you dig sports, PS2 games and Strongbad.
That means you drink beer, eat red meat and don’t care about shopping. That means you geek out online, don't mind a little sweat and don't ever mention your nails.
That stuff is hot.
isn’t hot when *guys* do it, Jenny. Stop it. Farting isn’t hot when *guys*
do it, Jenny. That’s enough.
And pissing
yourself on TV isn’t hot.
The more revolting
antics Jenny McCarthy pulls, the less and less appealing she is. Sure, we talk
about her and blog about her. But we won’t ever, EVER take her seriously.
When I
first watched her on MTV 10 years ago, I thought: “Here’s a smokin chick that
seems fun and funny and cool to hang with.” That’s what *millions* of us
thought. That’s why she got that sitcom. But instead of capitalizing on that pretty-but-one-of-the-guys
image, she squandered it by going over the top.
You see, I
don’t dislike her. But I wouldn’t
want to hang with her. That’s why the major networks don’t call her. That
likeable, relatable cuteness is gone. All that’s left is a repugnant,
ill-mannered , foul-mouthed comic-book character who would embarrass you at Thanksgiving dinner.
And that’s
too bad.
proof positive that looks can't get you everywhere.
peed herself?!
good god.
Posted by: ms. sizzle | September 22, 2005 at 03:08 PM
Funny. Jerk Of All Trades just posted a similar blog about this recently.
I always wondered if her acting like that was as repulsive to guys as it is to me.
Posted by: Jacquie | September 22, 2005 at 03:14 PM
There has always been the top, then Jenny soaring over it.
I think something has to be said for the complete loss of sex appeal while sitting on the toilet in a feeble attempt to mediocre sell shoes.
But yes, she's smokin'
Posted by: OC girl | September 22, 2005 at 04:20 PM
AJ's first official Humping of the Shark. But if your gonna Hump the Shark, that's the way to do it!
(seriously, great post as usual! even though I know your feeling a little dry at the moment. )
Posted by: Foxforcefive | September 22, 2005 at 04:39 PM
Dude, you are so so so right. It's a crime, really.
Posted by: jkirlin | September 22, 2005 at 04:59 PM
Damnit, I knew shopping would count against me. But I swear I make up for it by knowing how to fix things (with duct tape!) and liking football. Oh, and not being Jenny McCarthy. And being able to control my bladder both on and off camera.
Every time I look at her, all I can think of is "ewwwww."
Posted by: Special Sauce | September 22, 2005 at 05:25 PM
Sizzle-- I know. It's sad more than funny. Really.
Jax-- It is. And it's a shame because she is damn fine.
OCG-- I almost posted that Candie's photo. Really, it was NOT cute. It was NOT attractive. Pick up your undies, girl. Geez.
FFF-- Humped the Shark! But, I *did* put some substance in there! (And yes a little dry)
JK-- I know. You'd still hit it though, you dirty dog.
Sauce-- Your excellent taste in online radio stations puts you WAY above Jenny in my book. ;-)
Posted by: AJ | September 22, 2005 at 05:54 PM
I always thought Singled Out was Jenny's high point. Oh and that time she did one of the Screams. You're right though... it's been all downhill for her from there.
On the burps: If a chick is hot and does a dry burp(nowhere near a vlurp) she gets cool points from me cause that means she doesn't give a damn about image bullshit. That can be cool. Sometimes.
Don't talk to me about the farts though.
Rene Russo. She dropped of the groonk hot-o-meter. Damn shame. I'd still hang with her though. Probably not after she sees this post. Yeah, that'd be a big negative for me.
Jenny McCarthy is definite shark bukakke. I mean, damn, she peed herself, dude. That ain't cool in elementary school. It sure ain't cool as a "grown up".
Posted by: Groonk | September 22, 2005 at 07:03 PM
Hmm...I always liked Jenny. I still like Jenny. I think I like her confidence in herself. Of course since the sexual aspect is removed for me I can't comment on ALL points. She's hot, she's funny and I bet she's fun to hang with!
Posted by: Stacy | September 22, 2005 at 07:21 PM
Plus...she admits to being airbrushed. That'll kill a girls career.
What th hell is humping the shark, and how did I miss this phenomenon, and why would anyone want to hump a shark, figuratively or literally?? Please explain.
Posted by: Christa | September 22, 2005 at 07:47 PM
I'm not a big fan of blond chicks (except Janine Lindemulder) so I never understood the hoopla about this girl. The fact that her behavior is repugnant doesn't help, either.
Posted by: Shinigami | September 22, 2005 at 08:01 PM
I'm so glad someone brought up the Candies ad campaign. There was a Candies TV ad back in the day where Jenny farts and pulls her underwear out from far up her crack as she walks through a store. Now, it's not like I was in the demographic for Candies shoes - ever, but that was the moment when I decided no one I knew should ever wear their crap.
I never saw that ad again, btw. I always wonder if so many people complained about some dumb chick farting and picking her butt, the company had to pull it...
Posted by: Merujo | September 22, 2005 at 09:50 PM
Groonk-- I don't know. Rene's still looks pretty damn fine to me.
Stacy-- Hell, yeah she's confident. I'm not confident enough to piss myself in public. Still working on that.
Christa-- "Humping the Shark" is an expression I learned via Fox Force Five's blog: When you have nothing to post about, just put up pictures of naked celebrities. (She used a pic of Jessica Alba which certainly got my attention). So, that's sort of what I did here.
Shini-- Agreed. But I don't mind blonde chicks. But, you know, I'm a boy.
Merujo-- I never saw that, but I'm not surprised. Just. Plain. Awful.
Posted by: AJ | September 23, 2005 at 12:13 AM
Anytime I see the name, "Jenny," it makes me think either of the movie "Forrest Gump," or of the song, "867-5309" by Tommy Tutone. However, even Forrest Gump would have been smart enough to stay away from the Jenny McCarthy 2005 edition.
Posted by: Chuck | September 23, 2005 at 01:22 AM
One of the book reviews displayes refreshingly unbridled honesty:
"I sort of find her to be an obnoxious airhead;"
- still she bought the book and actually loved it. I guess that goes to show what low expectations kan do for you!
Posted by: rarity | September 23, 2005 at 03:26 AM
Is there some Anti-Jenny thing that's sweeping the nation?
I JUST posted something similar on my blog.
Posted by: Jerk Of All Trades | September 23, 2005 at 07:10 AM
This is essentially true; your description of the difference between a "man's woman" and a "genetic defect" are very accurate. Girls who like Strongbad are HOT.
Posted by: Armaedes | September 23, 2005 at 07:14 AM
What about girls who DATED Strongbad?
Seriously, what he lacks in height he more than makes up in attitude. And he's a tiger in the sack.
Strongbad. *sigh* The one that got away...
Posted by: always write | September 23, 2005 at 09:08 AM
Chuck-- Nasty is as nasty does.
Rarity-- Low expectations are my secret to happiness!
Jerk-- I love Parallel Development! It means other people are thinking the same thing. I'm checking out your blog right now...
Arm-- I won't date ANYONE who has a problem with Strongbad
Always-- He's a tiger in the sack? Even with those boxing gloves on? IMPRESSIVE. Maybe I should get me some boxing gloves and a red mask? Hot?
Posted by: AJ | September 23, 2005 at 12:09 PM
ESPECIALLY with the boxing gloves on!
You would do well to imitate, AJ. Then all the ladies will be All Up Ons you.
Posted by: Shinigami | September 23, 2005 at 02:14 PM
Strongbad is so good he doesn't NEED hands. The man is like a Jedi.
(AJ, I am so getting you a red mask...)
Posted by: always write | September 23, 2005 at 04:04 PM
Shini-- Good idea, I can take the ladie-types to DA MOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!11!!eleven!!
Always-- Kinky!
Posted by: AJ | September 23, 2005 at 04:39 PM
Ah...Rene Russo. She is a goddess, and one of my favorites. (Tin Cup and Get Shorty...hell yeah!)
My husband needs to realize how good he's got it.
But that means you dig sports,
...Done. The pacific northwest's #1 San Antonio Spurs fan.
PS2 games
...X Box (GTA and Unreal are my faves...), but po-tay-toe po-tah-toe
and Strongbad.
...Three Trophies for The Cheat!! (Crazy cartoon is still my favorite!) Im not gonna call you monkeydude. I'ma call you Josh.
That means you drink beer,
...Shiner Bock (San Antonio, again...)
eat red meat and
...a nice, rare 12-oz-er
don’t care about shopping.
...only Barnes and Noble and Home Depot
That means you geek out online,
...'Nuff said
don't mind a little sweat
Working in my studio with a table saw usually does it...
and don't ever mention your nails.
...What nails?
Dum diddy dum diddy dum.
Posted by: Jennifer Lankenau | September 23, 2005 at 07:16 PM
oh, jenny, jenny, jenny.
how the mighty have fallen. peeing on oneself in public is just.... i don't know. seems like jenny's become desperate for attention (and dry underwear).
Posted by: duff | September 24, 2005 at 09:33 AM
I just met a girl who likes meat, drinks beer, loves Trogdor, grunts and is fluent in cavemanspeak and who is a rabid Kentucky Wildcats fan.
I'm currently trying to seal the deal before this beauty gets away.
Posted by: Dariush | September 24, 2005 at 01:12 PM